Idea: Computation Coin
February 17, 2017
I am posting a draft written during the summer of 2017. I wrote this after reading the Versum paper and starting learning about verifiable computation. The idea here is to do faster off-chain contracts.
Computation Coin (CoCo)
Delegate computations by creating bounties
- Complex contracts are really expensive in Ethereum
- Every ethereum miner runs every computation (too much waste!)
- Use ideas from Refereed Multi-prover Delegated Computation (and Versum)
- SNARK & other systems are too expensive (!!)
- Users: they want to pay for computation
- Computers: they want to be rewarded for computing
- Trust model: this runs in the any trust model, if there is at least an honest computer running the computation, the computation is run correctly.
: Users can create computation bounties that Computers can solve.ReputationContract
: Computers that misbehave are reported to ReputationContract and lose their reputation.
Protocol 1: ComputationCoin Protocol
CreateComputation(code, timeout, minReputation)
:User writes a computation
(following Versum Guidelines). Attimeout
time, all the coins in the contract are given to the winning answer. In this contract, only miners with minReputation from ReputationContract can participate. -
:Any user can put coins into the contract to incentivize Computers to compute!
SolveComputation(ans, comm, coins)
:Computers solve the computation and submit the answers
, a commitment to the computation historycomm
, a collateralcoins
required by the contract, this will be added to the total amount of coins in the contract. -
ConfuteAnswer(ans, comm, coins, conflict)
:Computers can confute a previous answer by submitting their
, a commitment to their computation historycomm
, a collateralcoins
required by the contract and the part of conflict between their answer and the previous submitter answer. (Note: this function call is only going to be added/processed by having the miners running “conflict”)
Protocol 2: ReputationContract Protocol
If a computer is found to create an incorrect computation in the future, they can be referenced to a reputation contract, losing in this way reputation, so in the future Computation contract can set up some minimum reputation they require.
Problems left
- Running arbitrary computation in a contract to detect conflict (this is a technical detail)
- (Actually important) How to keep computation history around and in an accountable way for a long time (they also might be long!!)
- Can we design this into an ethereum contract?
- Game theoretical analysis: what if EVERY computer is incentivized to misbehave?
- Nicola Greco,
Keep on rocking the decentralized web